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Churches that are no longer used | Uses for Empty or Abandoned Community Churches, Restore Old Churches to good use , A new life for Abandon Christian Community Churches, Old churches can reopen with new Christian use, Start a Wedding Chapel in an abandon Community Church, Free use of Abandon Churches

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World Christianship Ministries
New Uses for Abandon Community Churches

"Featured Ministry Page"

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If there is an old church in your community sitting abandoned, talk to the owner.
It is possible they may allow use of the church for next to nothing, or even for free in exchange for simple upkeep.

These churches can be used for
1. Wedding Ministries as a Wedding Chapel
2. New Congregations

3. Bible Study Groups
4. New Ministry Headquarters
5. Baptisms and Funeral Services
6. And many other Christian uses

If we bring Christian Life back to Abandon Churches, they will become Useful and Special to us and our Communities once again.
The Ministry of Rev. Arthur
of Pennsylvania

Below is the testimony with pictures of Rev. Arthur and his Church, ordained by World Christianship Ministries, and the success he had in reopening an abandon church in his community.
rev arthur church
Bethel Mission Church, built in 1860

I was ordained by World Christianship in February of 1997.  Having always felt a call to the ministry, I didn't know how I could find the time to attend a Bible college while I was full time employed.

Many years have passed since then, but one day while talking about my interest in preaching, I was handed a set of forms from World Christianship, and things started to happen. Praise God!

In May I decided to start a church and made my wishes known to others.  The Lord answered my prayers in mid May. I was given a church to use full time just for maintaining it and the grounds plus a small cemetery.

rev arthur and congregation
Rev. Arthur and part of his congregation on church steps

Our first service was June 8, 1997 and we have been having regular services on Sunday and Wednesday since then. We started with a small congregation of 10, and with the Lord's help we are growing.  We have led several to Christ and Baptism in July, others will follow as we grow.

 Being ordained through conventional methods was impossible for me. But through World Christianship it became a reality. Praise God!

inside church looking towards pulpit
Inside the church looking towards the pulpit

inside church looking from the pulpit
The view from the pulpit

Note from World Christianship Ministries:

Thank you Rev. Arthur for taking the time to share your testimony and the pictures of your wonderful and "Spirit filled" new ministry and church.  You and your beautiful family, and your devoted congregation are an inspiration to us all.  We know that many wonderful works "in Christ" will be accomplished by all of you.

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