Quick Ordination Page - Be Ordained Today if Necessary
Questions? Call: (559) 297-4271

Application & Bonus Items, 11 Pages of information

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Need Ordination Right Away???
you have a quick need for ordination such as a wedding ceremony coming
up almost immediately, we can Ordain you the same day we receive your
Faxed in application, E-Mailed in application or Called in application. Then we send a PDF copy of your
Ordination Certificate to your E-Mail address that same day so you have
something in hand quickly. The rest of your material and certificates
can then be mailed out in 1-3 business days. If you need a copy
of your Ordination Certificate the same day, you MUST tell us that on
your application and include an E-Mail address.
Your Brief Application and Ordering Form, and Bonus Item Coupons can be:
1. Called in by Phone to: (559) 297-4271 (or)
2. Faxed in to: (559) 297-4223 (or)
3. Mailed in to:
World Christianship Ministries
PO Box 20030
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 (or)
E-Mailed in: You can also
send us your application by attaching the Application, Ordering
Form, and Coupons to our E-Mail address if you use the PDF format.
After filling out the forms, save them as a PDF file then attach that
file to our Our E-Mail Address: wcm@wcm.org
If you would rather we mail an Application Packet to your home or business, Click the Green Button below.