Life After Death, Near Death Experience Research and Study Page by The WCM

Near Death Experiences, NDE  -  Our Life After the Body Dies
Resources & Research Page
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Only our Body Dies, Our Soul is Eternal, Learn More!

"More Knowledge is Better Than Less Knowledge"

"Honest Knowledge is Better than Made Up Knowledge"

This page is dedicated to Learning and New Knowledge. It concerns the "Real World" and why we are in it.
If you are on this page it is because you were guided here to learn about your souls past, present and future.

God is Love and God is Light....Described by Jesus and described in almost all of the videos on this page.
Jesus said in Luke 17:21 "The Kingdom of God is Within You" (he was talking about our totally eternal soul).
This statement by Jesus is confirmed within the NDE testimonies on this page.
This is not a page of opinions.
This is a page of serious research, testimonies and learning.

      There are millions of people around the world who have experienced a glimpse of Heaven (our real home) after dying clinically. Their clinical death lasted from a few minutes up to 40 minutes. They died from accidents, attempted suicide, or from mistakes in hospitals from careless personnel and doctors, and other reasons.
     The videos on this page are compelling testimonies about what our future is in Heaven (home), and that death need not be feared as it is not the end of life. Our soul really is eternal.
     Our Soul really does leave the body after death. The earthly body dies, but our Soul returns to heaven (home) from where it came. Yes, Jesus is absolutely in Heaven and has been encountered by many of the people in these Life after Death videos, along with real Angels and Spirit Guides, and many also say "God" the "Source" of everything. If you wish to talk with Jesus when your soul returns to heaven, all you have to do is ask.

Recommended Books Video Resources:>>    NDERF Link (Largest NDE Site by Dr. Jeffrey Long, MD)    Thanatos TV En     IANDS Link     Passion Harvest Videos     Love Covered Life    
Grief 2 Growth     The Other Side NDE     JeffMara Podcasts    
Dolores Cannon     Dorothy Shelton Videos
     Next Level Soul Podcast
      This is a research and study page. The links above and the links attached to each video can open up thousands of other video testimonies in the USA and around the world. If you want to know what your soul and heaven are really about, you will find your answers on this page and through all the links we provide to other sites.

 This page will answer your questions about the reason we are on this planet in earthly bodies and our reasons for being here.
New Featured Video (6-27-2023)
anita moorjani karma does not exist
     Anita was diagnosed with end stage cancer with only a short time to live. She crossed back over to our real home and saw her past, present and future and learned there is NO Karma. The reasons are explained in a simple way. She also learned about the nature of existence, purpose of life and Power of Love. "We leave behind our gender, race, culture & religion" when our soul crosses back over to where we came from.
     After surgery she went into a coma and emerged from the coma cancer free. She says that "we are born spiritual' and that God is "infinite energy that is in all of us." This is a powerful testimony!

life after death page picture

this world is not my home   precious lord take my hand

Featured Video From Love Covered Life:
I Failed My Life's Mission
I Remember Life Before Birth

Detailed memory of what happens in Heaven on
many levels and what we have evolved from.

New Featured Video (3-7-2023)
      This is a "Must See" video with very detailed information on Vincent's experience and how we need to conduct ourselves on this earth in order to raise our vibration energy and knowledge of what life is really about.

Returning to our real home!

Below are many testimonials by people who have experienced  "Near Death Experiences" (NDE). More testimonies and resources will be added soon.

    The Definition of a "Near Death Experience" is: A person who has had a glimpse of the Spiritual life in Heaven. They have this experience because they clinically died and their soul was released from their human body. However, their clinical death was temporary. As such, after being revived in the hospital they were able to tell us of what they learned in their brief glimpse of Heaven. (Heaven has always been our real home)

    Striking similarities exist in all the videos.  For instance, almost all of these people say that Heaven is "Pure Unconditional Love" like they never experienced on earth. Also, almost all of them say that they did not want to leave Heaven and return to their human bodies. They felt like they were absolutely home in Heaven, our real home. Another similarity is that these good people remember these experiences in precise detail, even after years or decades have gone by. This is different from dreams which are usually almost totally forgotten after waking up.

    Links on this page give you access to thousands of testimonies concerning Near Death Experiences.

    Your comments about this webpage are welcome. E-Mail us at  if you would like to leave any comments.

Definitions:  NDE = Near Death Experience | Source = God, the one and only creator | The Dead = Refers to the body only, the Soul is eternal.

All Pictures are Clickable to Open Videos
nde penny wittbrodt

Initial bad service at the hospital triggers Anaphylactic Shock and sends her into a Near Death Experience. She was angry at God until God shows her the purpose of her and her children's hard times on earth.

Video by: Grief 2 Growth
nde clint walker

Pronounced dead by 2 doctors after a ski pole pierced his heart in a skiing accident in 1971. (2009 Interview)
Clint had a good reputation of being one of the few truly honest actors in Hollywood.

nde nicole dron

Shown the evolution of earth & giants that walked the earth. Told that life was everywhere in the universe.
Much to learn in this video testimony.

nde jane smith

God's Love told her "You are my beloved Soul, I love you with all my heart, I love you without condition."  Also told
she was "an immortal being, had always existed, always would exist, was eternal and indestructible." Also told that "there are no sins, not the way you think of them on earth."
Video by: NDE Videos
nde dr eben alexander
Dr Eben Alexander Neurosurgeon
Serious infection of the brain left him with little hope until his Near Death Experience. Detailed information about NDE and Quantum Physics, where consciousness resides in our body and how our soul works with the body and with the universe.
Brief Inspirational Messages from Near Death Experiencers and more! Love Really is The Answer!
Video #1     Video #2     Video #3     Video #4     Video #5     Video #6
These videos are excerpts from multiple NDE videos from JeffMara Podcasts that center on LOVE, Enlightenment and our Soul..!!
nde nancy danison

Nancy is one of the people whose soul traveled the farthest in heaven during her NDE before returning to her body.

Video by Spirit Speaks w/Lisa Virtue

Find 6 more recent interviews with Nancy on: Lisa Virtue's YouTube Chanel

2009 Interview Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Final Part

Karma and Choosing Physical Lifetimes
nde anke evertz
Anke Evertz NDE
Nine Days of Eternity

Profound Near Death Experience During a Coma. Excellent descriptions concerning many aspects of our soul life & reincarnation.

nde barbara whitfields

Excellent & Humbling Testimony by Ex-Atheist.
Clear description of how knowledge, love and acceptance is past back & forth almost instantly in Heaven.

KMVT Video

nde chris batts
Thrown in a garbage dumpster as a baby - Abusive loveless childhood - Attempted suicide at age 23 - Met God during his Near Death Experience - Learned that God loves everyone including him - Now leads a life helping others. Gods love & our purpose for being on earth. Well spoken.

nde manuela fazzi
Dramatic description of her NDE during botched operation for a simple routine procedure. Left with horrible physical problems because of incompetent doctors mistakes. During her NDE she was able to read the thoughts of medical personnel working on her body before being pulled up into "the Light" of love and a reflection of the points in her life where she experienced real love.
nde christian sundberg
Christian Sundberg
Life Before Birth - Life Before Earth

Amazing memories of how Christian's current life was planned before reincarnating to earth. Why God "Source" allowed him to keep some memories of his soul and heaven when he returned to earth. Why we choose to come to earth and lead the lives we do and so much more.

nde rienie and robert henry

Souls agree to come to earth to learn. Almost all of us have had Multiple Lives. There are no demons or a hell, that is a concept based on human fears and unbalance. All Souls are equal. Soul growth can increase based on our earth experiences. So much more to learn in this video.

nde deloris cannon
Warning: This will alter your beliefs about the After Life. (Truth!)

Based on regressing people and learning about the afterlife and past lives.
> "There is no hell it's an invention by the church" (Burning & torture for eternity is not true.)
> "Earth is hell, that's where people hurt each other"

nde wolfgang moissl
Died quickly at home from fast moving circulatory collapse 30 years ago.
> Confirmed his religious teachings of "A Here After" - "A Divine Love" - "Other Dimensions Do Exist" - "They welcome us (back home) when we leave this world. (earth)"
> Very compelling interview speaking about how Plato, who lived around 428-347 BC wrote of Near Death Experiences.

nde trisha barker
Trisha Barker NDE
More Love Than We Can Imagine

Trisha Barker was agnostic until her Near Death Experience. Charming young woman talking about the love of the spirit world, and Near Death Experiences. Enlightening!

nde dr pim van lommel
Consciousness is with our soul not in the brain
The soul controls all consciousness and thought and the brain only controls the body's functions. The brain also seems to be the source of the "ego"..Functions of the brain include maintaining the health of the body and such. The soul works through the brain to control things like movement of limbs, hearing, sight, speech and more. Without the soul the body is just a lump of flesh and bone. The body is just a container for our soul to experience challenges on earth to advance our soul in heaven, our real home. How do we know this? Because when NDE people report their soul leaving the body during clinical death, all thought, memory and intelligence remains with that soul.  World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Pim van Lommel from Holland explains in his two videos below how his old world beliefs about the brain and consciousness were cast aside after he began learning about NDE experiences that happened with his patients when they would die briefly from heart failure. He has spoken with hundreds of NDE survivors that totally changed his beliefs about where our consciousness really resides. (Conclusion) Most of modern medicine is living in the "dark ages" concerning this issue.

Video #1 (Video by Martinus Institute)                            Video #2  (Video by ConsciousTV)
A Part of God is in Everyone and Can't Be Removed - We could say that all living things have God's DNA.
Sayings that come from Non-Christian sources but conform to God and Christ as defined by the videos on this page.
Video 1     -     Video 2
nde dr mary oneal chile
Spinal Surgeon

Compelling testimony of Mary's Near Death Experience when she drowned during a Kayaking trip in a remote part of Chile, South America. Mary was underwater for 30 minutes.

Interview Part 1    Interview Part 2

Video's by: Robert Ricciardelli

roberta grimes
Roberta Grimes
Love and the Afterlife

Eye opening Videos - 50 Years of research - Straight talk - It's all about what Jesus teaches us!
Touched by Jesus at age 8
jenny cockell past lives
Jenny Cockell
Past life Memories in Detail

Fascinating interview where Jenny details her memory of past lives, visited a prior life home in Ireland, met with some of her prior life 8 children, visited the hospital there where she died at age 37,  and so much more. Also talks of prior lives in Japan and France. Jenny said when she was young in this current life she thought all kids had prior life memories like her.
Video by ThanatosTV
nde melinda lyons
Emotional and dramatic testimony of her Near Death Experience. Melinda died of a severe allergic reaction to a new food at age18. Talks with God, and with her Pet Bird that she had loved and passed away months before. "Yes our Pets Do Go To Heaven Also." She talks of the love in heaven, loving yourself and more. God told her "I've always loved you, there was nothing you could do that would cause me not to love you."      Video by: Believe it or not #4
Don't Miss This Excellent Video
nde ashley marks
Middle School Teacher who died at a local Halloween House at age 12.

> In Heaven she was told she was an older soul who had reincarnated many times before.
> Compelling description of Heaven, reincarnation, the love in Heaven, how we plan our own return to earth and more.

Video by Silvia Isachsen

brian weiss soul regression
Expanded details of the information found in the Videos on this page!
Compelling and detailed videos by: Dr. Brian Weiss
Dr. Weiss is a psychiatrist, hypnotherapist and specializes in past life regression. His research includes reincarnation, past life regression, future life progression and survival of the soul after death. He has regressed more than 4,000 patients since 1980.
nde karen Thomas love covered life
Karen Thomas NDE
Two Excellent Informative Videos

Part 1- Former Fundamentalist Has A Near Death Experience

Part 2 - What She Believes About Jesus After Her NDE

Video by: Love Covered Life

nde kathleen j lightworker
Very humbling testimony of Kathleen's death in the back of an ambulance, the light beings she encountered, and the affects on her life thereafter. Kathleen has a unique way of describing her experiences and life which we would describe as Spiritual. Excellent Video!

nde ellen whealton
Charming and humbling testimony of Ellen returning to heaven at age 12 after being kicked in the head by a horse. Spoke with Jesus and another heavenly spirit with Jesus she later believes was Buddha. Very enlightening and spiritual. She says, "We can accomplish unbelievable things if we break away from earthly restrictions. We are light, love and all of us have a purpose."
nde Beverly Brodsky
Motorcycle accident causes multiple fractures in her skull. Hospital releases her after 2 weeks because her insurance ran out. While laying on her bed she tells God she can't take it any more and is ready to die. Her soul leaves her body and returns to heaven where she is shown many things including her purpose on earth. Now shares her experience so others can learn.
Video by: Billsvideos123
nde thomas fleischmann
Thomas Fleischmann MD
Emergency Room Physician
"From Life to Death Beyond and Back"

Dr. Fleischmann has seen over 2,000 humans die but brought back several hundred of them to life.

He shares what he learned from many of the people that came back to life and told their stories to him.

Video by: Ted X Talks
The Real Heavenly Judgement is a review of our entire life when we return to our real home we call Heaven. It is called the "Life Review". In that review the good, the bad and the ugly are relived by us in "real time." Our Souls are a direct part of God and God will not judge us as many religions say. God loves all the souls that God created. There are no exceptions. There is no hell. God is 100% Pure Love! There is NO vengeance or hate in God at all.
We are Spiritual Beings on this earth having a Human Experience
nde condra boyd
nde cavern films panel interviews

Cavern films - Consciousness Continuing - 2 Excellent Videos, Enlightening Information
Video #1 - Raw Interview Footage of Sondra Boyd about her Near Death Experience and after effects. Excellent unedited video showing Sondra's NDE experiences in a very descriptive way that almost all of us can relate to.

Video #2 - What happens to people after an NDE (Near Death Experience)
. This is a panel discussion with 6 Near Death Experiencers. Excellent information from each of the panel members concerning their thoughts during the moments of death of their body's and what happened after that and so very much more. This video was filmed at the IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies) Convention in Seattle Washington in 2013.

There is a lot to learn in these two videos. The legitimacy of these videos and all of the videos on this page is that these people remember their experiences in detail often decades after their experiences, and that they speak without a script or notes. In other words, they speak from the heart. Also, the information they provide about our real home, Heaven, is the same in so many areas. They speak of the powerful love of Heaven, the feeling they are returning to their "real home", how God does not judge us the way religions say, but rather lets us judge ourselves through "Life Reviews" of our entire life on earth. The Life Review encompass what we felt and what the people we interacted with felt during our life. This means if we caused others pain and suffering in our lifetime then we will feel that pain and suffering ourselves in the Life Review, and that is where the judgement is. Concerning God, God loves all of us and that love is total and eternal. Our souls are a part of God.

Video's #1 and #2 by: Cavern Films
nde vicki noratuck

Blind since birth - Saw Heaven after a car accident - Compelling testimony!
"In Heaven we are made whole, there are no disabilities"

Video by: DustOffTheBible
nde heidi craig

An abusive & traumatic Childhood.

After being in Heaven she is now learning Forgiveness & Self Love.

"Experiences on Earth, good and bad, are to expand our soul and to learn."

Very Powerful Testimony

nde chaplain david maginley

> The Power of Near Death Experiences to prepare us for the Final Journey.
> Chaplain David Maginley
Experienced a NDE during church service.
> Lots of new things to learn from Chaplain Maginley and his experiences.
Video By: IANDS
nde barbara bartolome
Barbara Bartolome NDE

Barbara Bartolome left her body when an error was made during a medical procedure.

"As she watched the doctors and nurses working on her body, her consciousness hovered near the ceiling. Before coming back, she was faced with a major life-changing decision."
Video By: NDE Videos

dr rajiv parti

Hindu immigrant to US encounters Angels during his Near Death Experience.

He dies from botched prostate surgery and massive infection from Dr. implanted device.

Aside from the Near Death Experience, this video shows how much some doctors can mess up our bodies.

Video By: KMVT
nde martha st clair

We all have a purpose on earth before returning to our real home in heaven. Martha gives us one of the most clear and concise explanation about Heaven and our purpose on earth. Excellent testimony!! This is a Must Watch video.
Martha is a Speaker, Educator, Counselor, Medium, Hospice, Gerontology.
Water Skiing  Accident

Video By: BillsVideos123
nde michele fischer wirz
Michele's Testimony of what happened to her when she was a little girl living in South Africa. She took an accidental overdose of pills and died. She tells of her experience after death and what happens to a child when they die. This is a very direct and very informative video.
> Beaten down in life, couldn't feel love from other people, depressed and says she finally "made a pact with God to take me with a major heart attack." Told her daughter she was ready to die.
> In heaven God shows her she was loved at times in her life. Talks about suffering and how souls in heaven talk about earth. Emotional and humbling testimony.

This is a Must Watch Video
Video by: BillsVideos123
lisas nde
Lisa's Near Death Experience

Died in a pickup truck on the way to the hospital after her heart stopped on Christmas. Her soul left the body while in the truck. Met Jesus in heaven who told her "there are things they need to discuss." Says there is no way she is leaving her children on Christmas.

Video By: Brian Garrett

nde janet tarantino

Died in bed at night from an allergic reaction. Became an Orb after her soul left the body.

Choose not to stay in Heaven after God showed her that one of her son's would go down the wrong path
in life in the future without her guidance. Very emotional.

Video By: Silvia Isachsen
God Does Not Care What Religion We Are on Earth.
Back Home in Heaven There is No Religion.

prebirth planning with robert schwartz
After Life TV with Bob Olson
The Life Your Soul Planned Before You Were Born

With Robert Schwartz

How our lives are planned before conception and what the purpose is.

Video By: Afterlife TV with Bob Olson
nde michele boglis
Near Death Experience and More. Amazing details and insight in her testimony.
Why we are on earth - No divine entity waiting to punish us in heaven - Has had prior reincarnation lives saying "In one life I was a perpetrator and in another life I was a victim"

Video by: Thanatos TV

nde becki hawkins

Hospice Nurse and Chaplain,
Straight from the heart talk of her experiences with dying people. Many of her patients have reported Near Death Experiences (NDE)

Video by: Sunfellow
nde rosemary
Rosemary's NDE and Spontaneous Healing
A Must See Featured Video Interview

One of the most straight to the point and descriptive interviews here. Rosemary died from a simple biopsy. Sense of humor intact in heaven.

Highlights: "Dying was no big deal" -  Heaven is "the peace that passes all understanding" - "Granted a release for good behavior" - Offered the choice to stay in heaven or return to her body - A nurse promised her she would live, she returned to her body to spare the nurse the grief of not being able to keep the promise - Received Spontaneous Healing. Rosemary has the ability to describe major things in a simple way. The changes she made to her life after her NDE will amaze you.
Video by: NDE Videos
nde peter panagore

Died from hypothermia while mountain climbing - Excellent testimony.

How we create pain to ourselves and others on earth and more.
Why he regretted coming back to earth. Asked if he could come back to heaven when he finally died.

Video By: Shaman Oaks
yolaine stout nde
> Very compelling testimony of Yolaine's search for a way to commit suicide without it looking like a suicide.

> What she found in the attempt completely change her life around for the better.

Video By: Afterlife Evidence

nde isabel waller ringo
Died at 8 years old after falling on her head.
After going through the dark tunnel towards God's Light Isabel was told she could stay in Heaven if she wished but that she would have to be reborn to earth again to complete what she was on earth to do. That and her parents grief caused her to go back into her earthly body.
nde norma edwards
Norma Edwards - Life After NDE

Excellent description of heaven, what is expected of us on earth, how our soul progresses and so much more.

This is one of the best testimonies of how our soul progresses and what holds us back from the lessons we came here (earth) to learn.

Did we fulfill our contract concerning what we came here to achieve? No? Then we will come back to earth again (reincarnate) until we do.

nde bill meets brother in heaven

Bill had an accident while driving his ATV (All Terrain Vehicle). The vehicle flipped over pinning him underneath. He had two Near Death Experiences, one while he was in a deep coma. Very interesting, and like all the testimonies on this page, there is much to learn about our true home, God and our reasons for being here on earth.

Video By: NDE Accounts-Afterlife Stories

nde Yvonne

Double pneumonia puts Yvonne on life support and in a medically induced coma for six weeks.

After an encounter with Jesus, she miraculously wakes up three days before life support is to be stopped.

Video By: 700 Club
Earth is a School, a Learning Center for the Soul
nde nedrf

nde ana christina

Ana Christina was almost murdered by her husband over insurance money.

Ana came close to death as a result of an attempted murder by poisoning and suffocating. She was left paralyzed by her last large dose of poison and her husband then suffocated her.

Her sole returned to heaven she  saw some family and then Jesus. She was sent back to her body healed of paralysis and poisoning. Dramatic testimony.

Video By: NDE Video

nde asks to see the christ
Asked to See The Christ

Died from interaction of prescription drugs in her body. In Heaven she found intense love, pure knowledge, forgiveness, and more.

After her "life review" Jesus asked her what she had learned. She replied that "love is the best choice for everything" to which Jesus agreed.

Filmed at the 9th Annual Spiritual Retreat for Near Death Experiencers, St Louis, May 2014.

Video By: BillsVideos123
nde anne hall
Atheist Acknowledges God Exists During Her Near Death Experience. Dies from LSD
Calls on Jesus & received love, calm, peace.

Jesus tells her she is not in her body now but not exactly dead yet either, your body is hanging on.

Must decide to remain in Heaven or return to her body. A life review convinces her to return after seeing images of other souls on earth waiting to meet her.

Video By: JeffMaraPodcast
nde lani leary

Lani Leary, PH.D., author of "No One Has To Die Alone: Preparing for a Meaningful Death,"
describes the near death experience she had that changed her life.

During her brief return to heaven, our real home, she found "Love Beyond Measure" & "Forgiveness for Anything She Thought was Unforgivable"..

Video By: NourFoundation
nde diane sherman
Diane Sherman NDE

Died briefly during a simple procedure on her knee in the hospital. Woke up in recovery and saw doctors working on a body in a bed near her. She then realizes the body is hers and she is in spirit form.

She returns to her body after realizing that if she stayed in Heaven there was no one that she could trust to take care of her daughter. Very interesting interview.

Video By: KMVT

nde sharon milliman
Sharon Milliman NDE
After Being Struck by Lightening

Delightful and sweet young woman's beautiful and emotional description of her short stay in heaven,
and her encounter with God. Learns that "With Understanding Comes Forgiveness." She talks about different vibration levels of all things including people. This is a great video interview to learn more about our real home and God.

Video By: Silvia Isachsen

nde linda jacquin
Linda Jacquin's NDE's
Two Must See Featured Video Interviews
Two short but powerful and gentle video's of Linda's Near Death Experiences after drowning at a Church picnic at 4 1/2 years old, and an empathic experience at 7 1/2 years old. While she was in a hospital she accompanied her friend to the "Light" after her friend had been killed from being struck by a car and he was brought to the same hospital. 

Jesus Touched My Shoulder - First Experience at 4 1/2 years old             Video By: billsvideos123

Going to the Light with Jimmy - Second Experience at 7 1/2 years old                 Video By: KMVT

Linda's profound statement: "Love is the Best of ALL Religions. It doesn't matter what religion you belong to, if it's based on Love it's Based on God."

Do not miss these 2 emotional and powerful NDE video's through the eyes of childhood experiences.
nde animals in heaven
Animals in Heaven

Good News Pet Owners!!!
Yes, the Souls of our pets do
go to Heaven and they will be
waiting for our return and reunion. We will see them again.

There are many videos on this page and the links to other videos on this page that assure us that our Beloved Pets, and Best Friends will be waiting for our return to our real home.

Only the Body Dies, Our Soul is Eternal
nde karen blanc thomas

dann and tracy angelic encounter
Dann and Tracy
Angelic Encounter

Dann and Tracy were trapped in a  burning car after an accident. It looked like there was no hope until a man appeared that freed them from the wreckage and saved both their lives. They felt the man was an angel because he could not be found after pulling them from the burning car.

Video by: 700 Club
nde melissa mel denyce

nde brief testimonies

nde penny
Penny died briefly at a golf course after being stung by a bee and going into anaphylactic shock. Was embraced by a beautiful light of love, and saw her deceased mother who told her that she had to go back, it wasn't her time to return to Heaven yet. A doctor at the golf course revived her using an EpiPen he happen to have. She felt blessed for being able to have the Near Death Experience.

Video By: NDE Video

nde anthony chene productions
nde anita moorjaninde dr eben alexandernde dean radinnde marjorie woollacottnde rupert sheldrakebde bruce liptonnde john butler
Anita Moorjani and Dr. Eben Alexander MD Neurosurgeon talk about their Near Death Experiences and all 7 people talk about the scientific angles that tie into our souls existence in human bodies on this earth, and how our soul leaves the body at the time of death of the body. The body is of the earth but the soul is of God.
nde christine lopes regression
How Reincarnation Works

Learning how reincarnation works, Step by Step.

Straight to the point information presented in an easy to understand way. Almost all of us have reincarnated.

regression jean charles
Jean Charles Chabot
The Souls Mission or Soul Contract

Soul Regression Video
Spirit Guide has been with one man for 30 lifetimes and says he is a slow learner.
poems and goodbyes
A dying mom and her daughters say goodbye.

Heart moving video of two wonderful daughters reading poems they wrote for their mom, followed by very intense emotion. Their mom passed away 2 days later.

Video By: CreekmoreWorld

Question: What words in The Christian Bible match what NDE Experiencers encounter?
Answer: All words that concern what Jesus says about God being Love and Light and all parts that embrace Love and all the words that reflect Love. Also, all words that say Faith in God does not diminish during times of adversity....We are in these physical human bodies to learn serious lessons on this earth. Never Lose Faith..!

God loves all of us and when our body dies our soul returns to where it came from, Heaven! God will not judge us for our sins. Instead, God will let us judge ourselves after we are given a life review which includes everything from birth to death and all the emotions we felt in that lifetime, as well as all the emotions of the people we interacted with in our human life. In short, if we hurt people we will feel their pain. If we did good things for people we will feel their happiness, and so on. There is no real hell. It only exists in human imagination.

Near Death Experience Testimonies show that there is NO Religion in our real home called Heaven. Religion is purely a Human creation composed of mostly "Made Up" beliefs which have little or no basis in fact. Most religions also distort what God really is. The only real Religion is "LOVE".... Any religion that teaches Love along with Hate, Hell, Sin and Damnation is not teaching the truth. The overwhelming evidence from the testimonies on this page and other NDE sites is that WE ALL GO BACK HOME to HEAVEN when our body dies. God Loves All His Creations! We do reincarnate again on earth or other planets and our soul is eternal. In heaven our souls are in a continuous "learning mode" (but there is also wonderful fun)... When we return home, all knowledge about all universes such as the creation and future of life is returned to us. The "Real" heaven is a beautiful place for "All" souls. It's a place of pure love, no hate, no illness, no pain or suffering. However, we are on this earth to learn lessons so don't try to go back to heaven before your time. Our souls are a "real" part of God our creator. The real Jesus was right when he said that God is in "All" of us including the animals. He was referring to our Eternal Soul.

All books in this section are available on Amazon
destiny of souls

Destiny of Souls
by Michael Newton, Ph.D.

     Soul Regression is a form of hypnosis where the deepest parts of our soul can be opened up to reveal our past lives, what heaven is really like, our purpose in this life and lives to come and much more. This book is a composite of many people who have been regressed deep enough to reveal how heaven (our real home) functions and our purpose on earth.
     This book complements the Near Death Experiences of the people on this page by taking their experiences much, much further into past lives and the spirit world.

Recommended Reading

nag hammadi book

Nag Hammadi Scriptures
by Ancient Gnostic Christians

     As Christians Jesus is supposed to be the center of our religious beliefs. As such we are supposed to read as much of the words of Jesus as we can find. The early Catholics who put together the original Bible excluded the Scriptures that the Gnostic Christians had. This was for 2 reasons. The first is that the Gnostic Scriptures did not fit the narrative that the early Catholics wanted to use to portray Jesus in their own way. So they labeled the Gnostic Scriptures as heresy and the Gnostic's as heretics. By the 4th century the Catholics had virtually eliminated the Gnostic's but they did not get control of the Gnostic Scriptures. The Gnostic's were much more Jesus Centered than the early Catholics and the current Catholics.
     If you are a Jesus centered Christian then you will welcome reading these Scriptures that were written in the same time period,and before, the Bible Scriptures. They were discovered in 1945 in a cave near Nag Hammadi Egypt and are now finally available to all who have longed for more teachings of Jesus.

Recommended Reading
same soul many bodies

Same Soul, Many Bodies
by Brian L. Weiss, M.D.

    How things that happened in our past lives can be holding us back from progressing in our current life, and more. Past life soul regression that solves current life problems.
Recommended Reading
your sould plan

Your Soul's Plan
by Robert Schwartz

     How our soul and other souls in our "soul family" help plan our lives on earth before we are born on earth again. This would include planning many of the trials we have in our lives that are very painful, mentally and physically. What's the old saying, "no pain, no gain" - so true! However, the rewards are so great if we learn from our trials in life.

     Fascinating book that will open your eyes about what this world is really about and why we are here on earth to learn and advance our souls in heaven, our real home.
Recommended Reading
nancy danison backwards beliefs

Backwards Beliefs
by Nanci Danison

     Nanci's Near Death Experiences took her farther than almost all other NDE experiencers. Being an older soul who has reincarnated over 100 times she actually merged for awhile with God's (Sources) energy and knowledge where she learned about the creation of the earth, creation of people and other life, major changes coming to earth in the future, and the events leading to the creation of religions on earth. Eye Opening!
Recommended Reading
This Ministry Highly Recommends All Books Written by Dolores Cannon
This includes The Convoluted Universe Series, Jesus and The Essenes and all the other books she has written.
Delores was one of the most effective Soul Regressionists in the world. The knowledge she has uncovered is massive.

Your comments are welcome : E-Mail your comments or Submit a Testimony to:
In the subject line type in "NDE Comment or NDE Submission"

More comments are coming in and will be available in this section very soon.

Interesting topics

What Does the Brain Control and What Does the Soul Control
The brain controls the body and it's functions but not the thought process which comes from the eternal soul in our body. For example, the brain controls cell regeneration, our immune system, muscles and their movement and all bodily functions and such and works to maintain the body in those respects. There is also a belief that the ego is from the body's brain (mind) and not the soul. The soul merges with the body and takes control of things like thought, talking, directs movement, blinking of the eyes and all such things. Thought does not come from the brain, it comes from the soul. If the brain is damaged then the souls ability to direct speech, movement of arms and legs and such can be affected. But the souls thought process remains intact.

The point at which the soul is put into the human body
There may not be an exact point at which the soul enters the body. We will provide more testimony when available. The testimony below is one persons remembrance of when his consciousness began in the human body:
"The first time I member my reincarnation and current consciousness on earth was just before my soul was loaded into a sperm cell. I remember the swim towards the female egg, I remember breaking through the female egg and at that point I remember everything going on "automatic".  A construction process started immediately and I realized I had no part in the building of the human body. As time went by I remember becoming irritated that the process was taking so long. I remember the noise in the delivery room just prior to birth, the discomfort of being squeezed out of the birth canal and being held upside down after birth. As a baby I remember very early on that crying would bring me attention. These memories have never left my mind. As with a Near Death Experience, I have been able to remember it exactly as it happened so many decades ago."

Why do so many of us feel that earth has never been our real home?
Earth is not anyone's real home. Almost all people who have a Near Death Experience say that when they return to heaven briefly they realize they are back at their "real home!" Earth is a learning place for the soul and the soul is a part of God. We are on earth to learn and advance our soul. And yes, we can reincarnate to earth again and again.

Let's remember one very important thing: When any living thing is born on earth it has a 100% chance of dying at some point. No earth body of any species stays alive for very long on earth. However, the soul that inhabits all life form's body's is eternal and does not die with the earthly body.
Letters Received
Jesus Centered, Not Bible Centered
*     Scribes and Clerics and others from ancient times spent lots of time writing and rewriting the things in the Bible. As such it is very easy to imagine that they could have added their own imagination and bigotry to the words of Jesus and other teachings in the Bible. We have been led to believe it is the "Word of God".. Really?   (J. Masten, Texas)
*     As a Jesus Centered Christian, not a Bible Centered Christian, I look for all the words of Jesus that I can find that complement each other. In other words if Jesus is talking love and compassion and such and suddenly there are words associated with Jesus which are talking vengeance and war, as in the Book of Revelation, then I conclude the Book of Revelation to have been written by hate filled Scribes and Clerics of the day and therefore not relevant. There is no heavenly army of angels that are coming back to earth to vanquish the unbelievers and put Christ on a thrown. Nonsense, this is ancient fantasy.   (R. Gordon, New Jersey)
*     I have found huge amounts of the words of Jesus in the Nag Hammadi Scriptures. So much of the words of Jesus in this book correspond to what so many of the Near Death Experience people say about God being pure love and light.   (L. Lamore, Washington State)
*     I firmly believe now there is no hell and no judgement from God that would involve sending us to eternal torment for what "humans" call sin. God is total love and that love extends to every soul God created. We are on earth to advance our soul in heaven by learning lessons that center around love, compassion, forgiveness, understanding and other similar feelings.   (T. Bigley, South Carolina)
*     Mainstream Christianity and other mainstream religions have become like mainstream news media around the world. That would be that they are, to a large degree, not reporting honest news and facts.   (B. Kensington, Indiana)

*    I recently found a video that seems to explain how the Catholic Church and Christianity really began. It's not a pretty thing to learn about. However, it appears very plausible in light of the discovery of the ancient Nag Hammadi Gnostic Scriptures that were discovered in 1945. I am sharing this video with you because we all should not be denied the other writings about Jesus and vastly more of his words not found in the Catholic Bible.  YouTube Video Link.  
(R. Donaldson, Arkansas)
*    We must keep an open mind if we wish to know the truth about Jesus and Christianity. Blindly following any religion does not diminish us in any way but it can hold us back from knowing the truth about our soul, God, Jesus, our purpose in this life and other knowledge that was not available to the ancients. I found the following video on YouTube about Jesus and the Gnostic Christians. It is worth watching if you are a person who seeks more knowledge about Jesus.   (T. Vallejo, Texas)
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