Welcome to
Christianship Ministries
Lifetime Fast Ordination
(559) 297-4271 - Speak with a live well informed human if you have questions.
Personal Service! We are Happy to answer any questions you have by Phone.
Start your new independent ministry your way with Ordination by WCM!
This site is best when viewed on a regular computer or laptop.

Several FREE BONUS ITEMS with each of our 6 Minister Ordination Packages Contact Us Page
Application Page
We give people opportunity with Simple, Fast
43+ years of ordination experience and support.
Ministry has the most "Hands On" weddings experience on the internet. Over 2,500
ceremonies conducted by our administrator and founder himself. Experience Counts!
Full Legal Authority to do all Christian Services including Marriage,
Baptism and Funerals.
Start an Independent Ministry or Church at Any Time You Wish, in Any State.
World Christianship Ministries is the Ministry of Choice for Sincere People Seeking Fast Jesus Centered Ordination.
For questions on Becoming Ordained, receiving Fast Ordination, call us at (559) 297-4271
We Believe in You
God Believes in You
Believe in Yourself !!!

YouTube Video
Most Images on this Site are Clickable
Certificate Examples and Paper Colors
Our Purpose
It is the purpose of The WCM to empower the people we ordain with the
same authority that any other Ordained Minister has. This means things
like doing Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals and other services. We
also give you authority to begin your own independent ministry or
church anytime you feel ready. Basically you will have the same rights
as Seminary graduates and Denominational Churches & Ministries. This
would mean things like doing services and your right to begin
your own ministry or church. Seminaries usually cost thousands of
dollars to attend and limit you to "Denominational Ways" of conducting
your services. Generally, denominations can cancel your ordination
should they wish to do so. We,The WCM, ordain you for life. Jesus was
not denominational, although some denominations try to claim him as
their own.
Ordination If
you have asked, "how can I
become an ordained, Licensed and Commissioned minister"
you have come to the right online ministry. World Christianship
Ministries has the most extensive experience on the internet for
providing simple, fast Jesus Centered Spiritual Ordination for Men and Women.
- Receive Ordination almost immediately as a Minister, Pastor, Reverend,
Evangelist, Bishop, Chaplain, Missionary, Apostle, Prophet, Elder,
Deacon, Preacher, Parson, Ordained Officiant or other Christian Title
Visit our: Lifetime Ordained, Licensed and Commissioned page.
We have been providing this
simple Ordination opportunity for over 43+ years. World
Christianship Ministries is the perfect guide for getting ordained, and
we are easily accessible by phone should you have questions.

Become Ordained by World Christianship Ministries and for the rest of your life you will be able to:
Make money $$$ legally performing Marriage Ceremonies, Improve your Standard of Living, Start your own Spiritual Ministry
of Ordination
license, will be your
authority to begin this new chapter of your life. Our new Certificate of Commission is an excellent enhancement to your Ordination Documents.
Start your own
church, Spiritual ministry or just do wedding ceremonies.
World Christianship
Ministries is a nondenominational Spiritual ministry.
Do Wedding Ceremonies
you getting ordained to do legal wedding
ceremonies? Would you like to be ordained fast? Would you like to
know how how to
perform wedding ceremonies? You have
come to the right ministry.
WCM has the most "hands on" wedding ceremony
experience online. The Administrator of WCM has performed over 2,500
wedding ceremonies himself.
Receive fast legal ordination and licensing, perform
weddings without delay. You can have a PDF copy of your Ordination Certificate in hand the same day as we receive your application if you have something quick coming up like a marriage ceremony. You can "Call In" your application (Best Way), E-Mail us your application as a PDF file (Excellent Way Also), Fax in the application or Mail the application to us if you wish. Application Page
Our Motto's:
"More Knowledge is Better Than Less Knowledge"
"Honest Knowledge is Better than Made Up Knowledge"
Where There is LOVE You Will Find GOD!
Words that are associated with God's Love
| Generosity
| Forgiveness
| Charity
| Humanitarianism
Peace Self Control
| Appreciation
| Affection
GOD! (Source)
Words for Living: "Don't choose to
love the most beautiful person in the world. Choose to love the one who
makes your world beautiful."
All pictures are clickable
Administrators Favorite location for doing Marriage Ceremonies,
Yosemite National Park
of Faith
Our statement of faith is composed of two parts:
1st Part....All the Words of Jesus
2nd Part...The Bible, with a strong emphasis on all the parts that concern LOVE!
Once you are ordained by WCM you decide for yourself what Your statement of faith will be.
We do not require that you follow a specific Christian doctrine.
Definition of Jesus Centered Spiritual Christian
The definition is: A person who believes in Jesus and wishes to embrace
"All" the words of Jesus inside and outside the Bible. For instance,
there is a "Treasure Trove" of the words of Jesus in the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Christian Gospels
found in a cave in Nag Hammadi Eqypt around 1945. The Gnostics show the
Spirituality of Jesus in their writings. These Scriptures, Gospels do
not suffer from being re-translated over and over again During the past
2,000 years. As such, you can read the thoughts of the Ancients just as they wrote it.
We Believe in You
God Believes in You
Believe in Yourself !!!

Life After Death - Near Death Experiences - NDE
Resources and Research Page (Click Here)

Other World Christianship Ministries Websites:
ordination.com ordain.org worldchristianshipministries.org
The use of World Christianship Ministries Name (Click Here)
World Christianship Ministries LLC
PO Box 20030, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151
Ministry Phone Number
(559) 297- 4271
E-Mail Address: wcm@wcm.org
or as of 11/3/2024 worldchristianship@proton.me
For Scanned PDF or JPEG Applications to us
or Questions
Fax number for Applications:
(559) 297- 4223
Site Map - Menu - Content |
General Information
Senior Citizen Ordination
Womens Ordination
Fast Ordination
Ordination Packages (Clergy Packages)
Ordination Packages With Bible Study Courses
Application/Ordering Forms PDF
Application Forms - html jpeg
Application Page
How to become a?
Be Ordained Today!
Legal Status, Religious Freedom Laws
Become Ordained Minister by State
Ordained Minister
How to Become Legally Ordained Minister
Who Can Do Weddings in Each State
Ordination for Young Christian Adults
Christian Commission Certificate
Do Weddings
Weddings Page
Who Can Do Marriages
Marriage Laws for Each State
Marriage Ministry, Earn $
Yosemite Marriage Locations
Interactive Marriage Law Map
Who Can Do Marriages
Satellite Site
Sermons, How to Prepare
Search Page
Ordination More Questions Answered
Christmas Ordination Present
Bona Fide and Legit
NDE - Near Death Experience Page
Certificates Page
Church Charter
Letter of Good Standing, Communion
Parchment Paper Choices
Bible Courses, Handbooks
Bible Study Courses
Handbooks & Materials
Miscellaneous or General
Mail me an Application Packet
Replacing Certificates and Materials
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Countries with WCM Ordained Ministers
Music Page - Inspiring Christian Videos
International Association of Clergy
Surprise Page
Thank You Page
Featured Ministry
Life After Death, The Afterlife
Ordination for Christmas for a Friend or Relative
Ordination USA
Christian American Marriage Ministry & Ordination
USA Ordination Licensing Commissioning
Lifelong Ordination
International Music Page
** This Ministry Does Not Believe in Tax Exemption for Churches or Ministries. As such we are not a covering for anyone seeking to use their ordination for such purposes. We suggest that ministers and churches pay taxes just like the people they serve. Certificates issued by WCM are for religious purposes only. Taxes are not religious.
** If credentials are used for any illegal purposes ordination from WCM
is null and void (revoked) immediately. Fortunately this situation is
extremely rare.
** Pictures on this site are from "Royalty Free" Pixabay.
** Ordination from WCM is not valid for entrance to jails or other penal facilities.
** Individuals ordained by WCM can begin their own independent Church or
Ministry anytime they wish after ordination. However, they do not work
for WCM and are completely responsible for their own independent
ministry or church.
If anyone has complaints concerning the people we ordain, that person
must provide us with legal proof that the credentials have been used in
an illegal way. Such proof must be in the form of a police report or
other legal documentation. We do not revoke ordinations just because
someone has a grudge against another person.
** Credentials issued by WCM are valid for Christian Services only. WCM
is not a Denomination and does not dictate how the people we ordain are to run
their independent Christian ministry or church after they receive ordination.
** WCM does not provide any information about the people we ordain. All information is private.
** The purpose of WCM is to give people "Opportunity" to advance their life through simple ordination.
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© World Christianship Ministries LLC